My Projects

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The Wild Oasis

React App where I've practised React Router, Context API UI state management, React Query for remote state and Styled Components for styling.

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Fast React Pizza Delivery

React App created with Vite where I've learned Redux Toolkit (@reduxjs/toolkit), React Router and Tailwind CSS for styling.

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Small React app that helps the user keep track of the visited cities and countries. Great app for practicing React Router and Context API + useReducer() hook development pattern.

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A React 18 demo project for fetching a movie API and displaying a list of movies based on the user search query. The user can rate a movie he saw and then add it to his list of watched movies.

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The Atomic Blog

Small React App for learning useContext() hook, memo and useMemo() optimization hooks.

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Workout Timer

Small react web-app composed of a workout timer and which calculates the total time needed for a complete workout based on user inputs.

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React Redux Bank

Simulation of Bank account operations using classic Redux, react-redux and Redux Toolkit (@reduxjs/toolkit)

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Classy Weather

A small React App for better understanding of React Class components and the lifecycle methods. The app fetches wether data from the API and displays the data to the UI for the next 7 days.

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The React Quiz

Small React App for learning the useReducer hook for state management and practicing derived state and component composition.

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To-Do List

To Do List App created in React for Managing your Daily Tasks with auto mail sending feature for the tasks that are due today. The backend is created in Node.js and Express.js. The app is deployed on Netlify. The app is using the SendGrid API for sending the emails.

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Mapty Vanilla JavaScript App to map your workouts. The app uses the Leaflet.js library for the map and the Geolocation API for getting the user location. The app is using the localStorage for storing the workouts data.

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Mapty Vanilla JavaScript App to map your workouts. The app uses the Leaflet.js library for the map and the Geolocation API for getting the user location. The app is using the localStorage for storing the workouts data.

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Bankist Marketing

Small Vanilla JavaScript App for practicing DOM manipulation.In this project I implemented sticky navigation, smooth scrolling, modal, lazy images, tabbed component and a slider.

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Bankist App

Minimalist banking app created in Vanilla JavaScript. The app is using the Internalization API (Intl) for formatting the currency and the dates.Login with user: sc pin: 1111 or user: jd pin: 2222.

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Dice Rolling Game

Simple dice rolling game created in Vanilla JavaScript. The game is using the Math.random() method for generating random numbers and the DOM manipulation for updating the UI.The winner is the player who first achieve 100 pts.

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Nr. Guessing Game

One of my first projects created in Vanilla JavaScript. The game is using the DOM manipulation for updating the UI and the Math.random() method for generating random numbers.